Plateau Point Sun

Plateau Point Sun

Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun
Plateau Point Sun

Plateau Point Sun Details

Add light to the table top of Plateau Picnic tables by changing the steel discs with Point Sun.

Point Sun provides an ambient reading light in the evening with no cables and no installation required.

Point Light is 100% solar powered, resistant to weather conditions, intelligently controlled and CO2-neutral.

During daylight hours the solar energy gets stored on a battery - through a solar cell. At dusk the light will turn on (via a preset clock) and light up all evening and night, according to the charged energy. At sunrise the light will turn off again.

The light is omni-directional and directed horizontally and downwards to the Plateau Picnic table through a reflector and frosted cylinder.


Part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group

Bailey Street Furniture Group
Artform Urban Furniture | Adlington Business Park | London Road | Adlington | Cheshire | SK10 4NL
Tel: 0800 542 8118 | Int: +44 (0)1625 877554 |
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