Obra Tree Grille

Obra Tree Grille

Obra Tree Grille
Obra Tree Grille
Obra Tree Grille
Obra Tree Grille
Obra Tree Grille

Obra Tree Grille Details

The Obra Tree Grille is made from laser cut steel sheet which features perforated leaf designs. The grille is available in three shapes: circular, rectangular and square. The grille is made up of two halves, reinforced by a surround in steel plate which is designed to be screwed together. It is also supplied with an L-profile steel frame with brackets for installation into concrete foundations. Can also be left free standing.

Part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group

Bailey Street Furniture Group
Artform Urban Furniture | Adlington Business Park | London Road | Adlington | Cheshire | SK10 4NL
Tel: 0800 542 8118 | Int: +44 (0)1625 877554 | enquiries@artformurban.co.uk
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