20th Dec 2024 - Today, we are excited to announce another significant milestone in our journey. CROWD has successfully acquired Armada Mobility BV in the Netherlands. This strategic acquisition reinforces our dedication to enhancing urban living environments and underscores our position as a leader in innovative solutions for public spaces.
This lights design provides pedestrian and street lighting in contrasting scale and common style with energy efficient LED technology and innovative optics as well as retrofit capability to poles in existing installations and visual compatibility. A perfect addition to contemporary and traditional settings.
JOHN RIZZIFrom Landscape Forms
John Rizzi was educated in industrial design and learned from the masters by helping develop designs by Michael Graves, Neils Diffrient, Richard Sappe...
Parc Centre Table
Parc Centre Chair
Parc Vue Bench
Parc Vue Litter Bin
Parc Vue Seat