Botte Litter Bin

Botte Litter Bin

Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin
Botte Litter Bin

Botte Litter Bin Details

The Botte Litter Bin is manufactured from Performance Concrete (HPC). The bins cover ring in formed in stainless steel with triangular lock and galvanised bag holder which is fixed resting on the inner perimeter. Available in different finishes and colours.

Part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group

Bailey Street Furniture Group
Artform Urban Furniture | Adlington Business Park | London Road | Adlington | Cheshire | SK10 4NL
Tel: 0800 542 8118 | Int: +44 (0)1625 877554 |
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