Bambu Planter

Bambu Planter

Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter
Bambu Planter

Bambu Planter Details

The Bambu Planter is a rectangular shaped planter, made entirely out of steel sheet. It comes equipped with base fixings to regulate its slant to accommodate falls in floor level. Each planter can be accessorised with two stainless steel plates which can be used to attach name-plates or labels. Available in stainless steel, mild steel and corten steel; this planter has the versatility to fit into any scheme.

Part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group

Bailey Street Furniture Group
Artform Urban Furniture | Adlington Business Park | London Road | Adlington | Cheshire | SK10 4NL
Tel: 0800 542 8118 | Int: +44 (0)1625 877554 |
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